The escalating cost of security

Fears of increasing militarization of Panama’s security forces have been fueled by a government report showing over $500 million spent on “technical equipment”.

In the last three years, the Ministry of Public Security (Minseg) – led José Raúl Mulino-purchased equipment and technology for the order of $ 490 million, primarily to address violence and crime and drug trafficking.
This is stated in a report called Project 2010-2012, listing the procurement, mostly as a matter of "national security."
The figure does not include the design, supply, rehabilitation and construction of new infrastructure for the security sectors, exceeding $ 60 million, according to the document.
Each time the concept of "national security" is evoked , not only the technical details remain secret but ALSO the breakdown of equipment prices, with the ministry arguing that if disclosed it "can compromise the security of the country", says La Prensa./
It Was in that category that Mulino framed in 2010, the purchase of 19 radars and six helicopters for more than $ 250 million from Finmmecanica, prompting criticism due to the "secrecy" with which they handled the whole operation which is now under investigation in Italy, for alleged corruption, which Panama authorities have repeatedly denied.
Article 62 of Law 22 of 2006, which governs procurement – exempts Minseg from the contractor selection process when purchasing supplies, services or works that relate to "public safety, and the State Presidency."
In 2011 Minseg had a budget of $ 490.4 million, in 2012 it rose to $ 548.3 million and for next year will be $637 million.
In the 2013 budget $92 million has been set asideto cope with the first payment to Finmmecanica, whose contracts were signed under a “turnkey", arrangement under which the State pays according to a set timetable.
Among the investments in equipment and technology between 2010 and 2012 were the purchase of vehicles ($28.6 million), weapons and ammunition ($9.5 million) and upgrading Pele Police systems($8 million).
The purchase of three helicopters and two new aircraft, and the recovery of three aircraft and five helicopters used for the National Air Service cost $88.7 million In addition, $ 10.7 million was spent on arms and ammunition for the State Border Service.
However, the details of these acquisitions are considered "sensitive nature", so that the information is "restricted".Also many of these purchases were made through the National Assistance Program, which has complete "discretion" in awarding contracts.
The most recent acquisition of equipment by the Minseg corresponds to a communication system for the security forces, at a cost of $13.3 million.
The purchase will be made directly and although on the table requests for at least one other local company distributes similar equipment, to be called tender and achieve a better price for the State.
Many Minseg purchases have been made by the direct route, without the help of companies that could offer competitive prices for the state. Says La Prensa.