Top officials arrested on extortion charges

Three officials of Panamas Department of Revenue (DGI) in Veraguas were arrested Tuesday for the alleged crime of extortion, from Chinese businessmen.

Detainees are Rolando Humberto Rosas, regional head of Revenue in Veraguas, his junior Pablo Nieto and another unidentified person
A sting operation was mounted  in the room of a Chinese businessman in the Gallery Mall, who was being charged money in exchange for not imposing a fine for tax evasion.

Marked billswere paid by the employer to one of the inspectors of the DGI as part of extortion.
A source at the National Police in Veraguas confirmed that the operation was part of an ongoing investigation.  track, following a complaint by a group of Chinese businessmen who said theyu were victims of alleged extortion by officials.
Eric Montenegro, president of Veraguas Chamber of Commerce  regretted the circumstances as it gives a bad image to the current government.