More promises of improved Metro Bus service

After over a week of Metro Bus chaos, user anger and a Twitter war between the current and former Ministers of the Presidency, the director of the Transit Authority (ATTT) has acted.

On Sunday, March 24, Roberto Moreno recently appointed after his predecessor was fired for incompetency., demanded, that the My Bus company increase the frequency of buses on all routes in the capital city, starting Monday.
Moreno said that, the ATTT has been monitoring Metro Bus stops, since Friday, to control the frequency of buses arriving to pick up passengers.
He has also asked the company to provide information on the operating plans, for Metro Buses and will inspect how the operators are meeting the plans
"Users demand a service and the operators have to fulfill that duty 24 hours a day," said Moreno.
In turn, the director asked ATTT users of the service to help improve the system, by leaving their complaints and grievances on the line 311 hotline until the frequency of the system is entirely fixed.
"Hopefully tomorrow [Monday] Metro Bus frequency will be strong, since it has increased the number of buses at the key points like December 24, Plaza 5 de Mayo and the people."