ELECTION ROUTE: Explaining Moscoso lunch with Martinelli

PROMINENT Panameñista Party members stepped forward on Saturday May 18, to cool speculation over former President Mireya Moscoso lunching with President Ricardo Martinelli.

"This is not the time for differences that have existed in the power groups within the party " said Deputy Alcibiades Vasquez referring to Moscoso and the presidential candidate and leader of the party Juan Carlos Varela.

His remarks came after Moscoso’s Friday lunch with Martinelli, where they discussed several national issues.
After the meeting, Moscoso said that she will continue to support, her party as there are many candidates but she avoided referring to Varela
Vasquez invited Moscoso to join the campaign with Varela, who is also Vice President, ahead of the 2014 elections.
"The only person who can tell the country what bothers her about the current leadership is the former chair herself," said Vasquez on RPC Radio.
The opposition lawmaker says it is is important that the Panameñista family, without exception, remain in a single front to have the chance for another Panameñista to reach the presidential podium..
He said Moscoco is a lifetime member of the Party because she has earned it.
Rep. Luis Eduardo Quirós told Prensa.com it is not surprising that Moscoso and Martinelli have met as they have a friendship that has been public for a while.
According to Quirós, over time have there have been some differences between Moscoso and Varela. but, he said, that situation is not unusual and the party now has new leadership.