Colombia claims net win in Panama FTA

COLOMBIA is the “net winner” in the Free Trade Agreement with Panama concluded last week.

The opinion comes from Colombia’s Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, says CentralAmericaData

  Meanwhile the Association of Users of the Colon Free Zone(CFZ) expressed its discontent over  lack of information from the Panamanian authorities.

"We have no information on how it turned out, and that's the saddest thing. If there has been a closure and the other side says it was a victory, why the secrecy? I have not seen an official version," said Surse Pierpoint, association president. “If it is closed, we do not know how things were left with the CFZ. There is a vacuum of information that I do not understand and I fear the worst. "

Pierpoint said that she was present in the settlement negotiations, but "being in a room next to the negotiating room, means that they share little information.