Computer files in murder trial reveal child pornography

COMPUTER FILES found during research into the murder of a university student have opened the door to a possible second investigation of child pornography .

The First Superior Prosecutor is collating copies of the file into the murder of Aira Isabel Guerra.

Jose Caballero, defense lawyer for Silverio Guerra one of those allegedly involved in the murder and detained in prison in David, confirmed on Thursday June 27 that during the inspection of some computers. videos and pictures were seen that indicate the commission of a child pornography offense and that this is now on the record.
Caballeros said the discovery should not , delay the proceedings as the file should go to another office of the Attorney General, to be investigated.
Related to the same trial William Dathan (Wild Bill) Holbert, was taken on Tuesday to to the office of the First Superior Prosecutor to testify about the killing of Aira Guerra.
Holbert is the cell mate of Rolando Samudio, a former boyfriend of Guerra is one of the men accused of her murder.
Holbert was allegedly to testify that the suspect told him how he killed the student, who was found dead last year.
Attorneys for the suspect have denied that the conversation took place., and Holbert told media that he had not heard anything about the murder.
Holbert was arrested for involvement with multiple killings in Bocas del Toro.