Panama Ad agency wins bronze at Cannes event

A PANAMA BASED ad agency has won a bronze lion at the International Festival of Creativity in Cannes where 37,000 agencies from around the world were strutting their stuff.
It was the first time in the 40-year history of the advertising event, that a Panamanian submission has made it to the podium. The award went to Cerebro Y & R,
Very few pieces reach the final stage, explains and counted the winners he stresses. It's hard, had tried in other years, until it was Leon says.
The winning idea was in the Radio category for an “Easy Office” campaign promoting Fursys filing cabinets and other office furniture, said Juan Francisco Bernal, graphic creative director at Cerebro Y & R.
Another concept of Cerebro Y & R, for Sony Cyber-Shot, cameras also stood out among the sea of ideas in Cannes and was among the five finalists in its category, only a few steps from the lions.
Moreover, both commercial proposals made it through the filters to be among the finalists in five categories of the festival.
For Jorge Heilbron, creative director of Cerebro Y & R,, the award is an achievement that strengthens the level of proposals coming out of Panama. "As they say here, the industry is a virgin until you win the Cannes Lion. What lies ahead will be better, and the level of ideas will be more demanding."