Panama Civil Crusade vets warn of eroding democracy

OVER 200 veterans of Panama’s former National Civil Crusade ( CCN ), which led the fight against military dictatorship are ready to lead a return to the streets.


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They gathered on Wednesday last night at the National Library as part of the presentation of the book: “When Democracy Dressed In White”, whose authors, Nadhji Cambra Manuel Arjona , chronicled the story of more than 50 civil lawyers who were victims of the dictatorship in the late 80s .

The launch of the book came at a time when many citizens’ groups feel that democracy is once again under threat and warned that they could return to the streets due to the damages suffered to the values of honesty, justice , freedom and democracy
"Panama , awakens . Leftovers of the dictatorship have returned ," said Aurelio Barria, who was the first president when the movement was born in 1987.
Applause erupted among those who were leaders of major business associations , trade unions and civil society .
Tomás Herrera , former leader of the civilista movement , said that Panama "has crossed the threshold of autocracy , it is like reliving the dictatorship.It’sdéjà vu."
" He said the civilists "Live again sad moments … I never thought it would be repeated , but it may become more sad and unfortunate if Panamanians do not react quickly to restore democracy. "
"We fought for that day and not for ruling coming from the Palace ," said Herrera noted that negative values of the dictatorship have returned .
Businessman Carlos Valencia, who also directed the CCN at the time of the dictatorship said that the claims for justice that civilian movement made has not been completed in the country.
He urged fighting back for the recovery of lost institutions in recent years.
The book's author Manuel Cambra asked current politicians stop playing with democracy , and warned that the movement could re-unite to recover the ideals for which they fought .