Bar Assc. issues two lawsuis against Supreme Court president

THE National Bar Association (CNA ) is backing its demand for the resignation of the president of Panama’s Supreme Court by lodging two complaints with the plenary of the Court and the National Assembly.
One complaint against Alejandro Moncada Luna is for lack of ethics and another for exceeding his powers reports La Prensa.
Carlos Herrera Morán , ANC secretary general, said on Thursday November 14 that this was a decision taken at the Lawyers Guild board meeting, held last Wednesday.
Luna Moncada suspended an Electoral Court decision concerning a TV commercial attacking PRD candidate Juan Carlos Navarro in a resolution on October 31 as part of a demand for protection of human rights by pro -government partnership Panama Avanza.
The action has been classified by civil society, politicians , associations of lawyers and judges of the Supreme Court as unconstitutional , because the Electoral Tribunal is the only one that can interpret the electoral law.
Herrera Morán said the complaint for lack of ethics will be presented to the plenary of the Supreme Court, demanding the dismissal of Moncada Moon.
Meanwhile, the complaint for abuse of office will be filed with the Credentials Committee of the National Assembly.
Both lawsuits will be filed next week , said Herrera Morán
Later the Third Court effectively nullified the Luna decision by filing the Avana complaint., Avanza is a pro-Martinelli group run by President Martinelli’s former press secretary But various sectors of civil society are noe calling for the resignation or dismissal of Moncada Luna, and there is continuing picketing of the Supreme Court.
In ordinary session of the plenary, Moncada Luna and the rest of the judges of the Supreme Court addressed Moncada’s controversial resolution that annulled the decision of the Electoral Tribunal .