Parking, the latest cash cow for hotels

In case you hadn’t noticed, Panama hotels are now charging up to $5 for parking when you visit for a meal, a meeting, or a function. The tip to the car jockey is extra.

Trump  led the way

The practice was first noticed at the Trump last year and quickly spread.

The hotels are following the trend in the U.S. and Europe.
"Charging for the use of parking is a general trend in the country in buildings, hospitals and shopping centers," said Sara Pardo, CEO of Westin Hotel in Costa del Este. There they charge $4 Monday to Saturday for the use of parking lots, while on Sundays the service is free.
Pardo told that with this income they cover maintenance costs on parking, such as replacing damaged light bulbs.
Jesus Sierra, president of the Panamanian Association of Hotels (Apatel), believes that it is a practice that is not carried out in all establishments and they have to inform customers when the charge is made.