13 drug traffickers seized in Panama waters

Thirteen Colombian drug traffickers with 740 kilos of cocaine were captured in Panama’s Caribbean waters of Panama last week said Colombian police on Monday September 29.
They were aboard a freighter under an African flag, said the statement

In the operation, performed in coordination with the Colombian Anti-Narcotics Police and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The ship ” was on its way to Colon from Puerto Nuevo, in Portete Bay, Guajira, Colombia, when it was intercepted by members of the American Navy 160 nautical miles from Colon
The 13 men of Colombian nationality have already been sent to a court in Tampa, Florida, on charges of drug trafficking, the statement said.
Last week in two other joint operations between the United States, Panama and Colombia, more than 800 kilos of cocaine were seized in the Panamanian Pacific.
Colombia is one of the leading global suppliers of cocaine, with about 290 tons of the drug produced in 2013.
Between 2000 and 2012, Panama seized 319 tons of drugs from various sources, according to official figures