Criminal charges laid against Martinelli at Supreme Court

THE NAME OF ex-president Ricardo Martinelli which has floated in the shadows of numerous investigations into the activities of Panama’s National Assistance Program (PAN) has finally taken center stage with the filing of criminal charges.

The action was spurred by former presidential candidate John Jované. who put the charges of alleged crimes of embezzlement, abuse of authority and violation of the duties of public servants in the hands of The Supreme Court on Wednesday January 7.
The denunciation is based on statements made by the former director of PAN Giacomo Tamburrelli, which accused the former president of giving direct orders to approve a contract for $45 million for the purchase of dehydrated food for schools in the districts of extreme poverty across the country.
‘During the Martinelli administration, the PAN managed $1.2 billion for alleged social aid; however, it is public knowledge that the funds of that institution were wasted and abused said the denunciation.
Jované, said the Court should open a public prosecution to investigate the Martinelli for multiple corruption charges levied over his presidency reports La Estrella.
‘If they [prosecutors] do not do their work on their own initiative, then we come to ask you to investigate and do justice in this case, ” said the university professor.
The company which benefited from the contract with the guideline that “you will do it because you must” which Martinelli supposedly gave to Tamburrelli- was Lerkshore International Limited.
The complaint also requests investigation of the acquisition , agreed by PAN, of equipment, whose whereabouts are unknown.
The equipment that cost $13.4 million was acquired by the PAN, under President Martinelli and wasnot in custody of any public body, according to a complaint filed by the director of the National Security Council, Rolando López.
The applicant claims that the purchase of this equipment is a clear violation of Executive Decree 690 of 2010 that created and governs PAN that available funds of the institution should be used for works and welfare programs.
Martinelli has immunity as a member of the Central American Parliament, but the Court could open a process based on Article 206 of the Constitution of the Republic, in which the powers of the judges of the Court are set. The article points out the legal basis of the Supreme Court to investigate and prosecute MPs.