MEDIA WATCH: Panamas water crisis

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa, Jan 28.

THE DELICATE crisis in the country, due to the lack of rain, has generated much debate in society.

Although the responsibility for ensuring the existence of healthy water sources and water supply rests with the state, as a society we have an obligation to recognize that times of scarcity require a thorough evaluation of our priorities and values, and if necessary , a drastic change in our habits.

Within days of the carnival some sectors, against all logical reasoning, support.culecos  That performance, rather than provoke repudiation, requires us to make a painful reflection on the Panamanian culture: we are indolent to the common good. We applaud the mayors who have  recognized and  prioritized the severity of the crisis and have decided to suspend culecos (water tanks used to shower  carnival revelers) in their regions.

The public service must recognize that those who have more power, have more responsibility and in particular to care for our future. This time it touches the rights of  all citizens and they too must understand that  they  cannot ignore their duties. We urge, once and for all, tackling  the water crisis is incumbent upon all citizens of the country.