Airbnb Cuba service in full swing


INTERNET  service   Airbnb was the first out of the block in setting up a  tourism service in Cuba  for  American citizens.

The US government granted a special license to Airbnb to allow it to work in Cuba With travelers from around the world can book accommodation in private homes on the island.

Airbnb was the first major American Company to enter Cuba since presidents Barack Obama and Raul Castro agreed to restore diplomatic relations agreed in December 2014.

The internet service, the bane of Panama hotels, struggling with low occupancy rates, provides advertising, reservations and payments for those wishing to stay in private homes rather than hotels.

Cuba has become its fastest growing market Become with 4,000 homes  added last year .


Until now Airbnb could work in Cuba for US Citizens thanks to a limited exception to the US trade however government. This limitation has-been repealed, which dramatically increases the number of people who can take advantage can of the service in Cuba.

For those preferring higher end accommodation, the US Starwood hotel group has announced the building of three hotels in Cuba which looks set to become a major player in the Caribbean tourism industry. After the US trade embargo began in 1959, Cuba became a favored destination for Canadian holidaymakers and led to the opening of all inclusive resort facilities targeting The United States northern neighbor.