Punta Pacifica flooding woes continue

FIVE  YEAR’S after it rained  on Donald Trump’s grand opening of the Punta Pacifica building that bears his name, the area continues to have flooding woes.

This week a  blockage in a 60-inch storm water drainage pipe in caused significant flooding this week near the Trump Hotel.

This is not the first time that this has happened, as there have been several problems since the hotel opened in 2011 reports La Prensa.

In the past, the Ministry of Public Works has blamed the problem on debris from construction sites blocking the drains. A prohibition on this activity largely solved the problem, but it has once again re-surfaced.

Public Works  Minister Ramón Arosemena said that working on the drain is difficult because it is five meters under the ground, and finding the point where it is blocked is difficult.

He said studies are being made to determine how to reach the affected point.

“We will see if we can fix the pipe,” said Arosemena, and remote cameras will be used to find the exact point of the blockage.

Former director of water and sewer agency Idaan, Juan Antonio Ducruet, said that the infrastructure in the area has been stretched to the limit.

“There have  been only short-term solutions offered for  this problem, not a permanent solution,” he said.