Ambassador accused of assaulting woman

summoned THE NICARAGUAN ambassador to Panama  was summoned to The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, July 19 following  to a complaint filed by a woman who claims she was assaulted that  morning at his residence in Costa del Este.

The complaint against Antenor Ferrey was filed by Sandra Cerrud, a Panamanian lawyer who remains detained in a private health center.

“The government of Panama, through its diplomatic authorities, are evaluating the next steps with respect to the alleged assault.

“Meanwhile, the ambassador of Nicaragua has 24 hours to vacate the property where he lives in Costa del Este because he does not have a title or lease to occupy the property,” the ministry said.

A Telemetro  report says the ambassador has occupied the apartment for two years without making payments.

The Foreign Ministry has communicated with the victim to know the circumstances of the incident, which is also being investigated by diplomatic police.

The ambassador appeared Tuesday afternoon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an audience with Deputy Foreign Minister Luis Miguel Hincapié to answer questions about the case.

The ambassador did not return calls for comment reports La Prensa