2,397 cops investigated so far this year


INVESTIGATIONS  of    police officers in 2016 totaled  2,397 and include  cases  related to drug trafficking, homicide ,and  gangs, says a report of  the Police  Directorate of Professional Responsibility (DRP).

The irregularities occurred  between January and November

In September alone, a second lieutenant, a sub commissioner and a captain were arrested because of their alleged links with a network of drug traffickers

while police commissioner Gregorio Alvarado is also being investigated for suspected links

with a criminal gang

Major  Alex Iván Cedeño, is behind bars while being

prosecuted for alleged anomalies in an operation linked to drug seizure.

Once a case is reported, the DRP decides whether it will be handled by the Superior Disciplinary Board, which  handles serious cases, or by any of the 42 local disciplinary boards