Francolini lawyers stall another hearing

THE PRELIMINARY hearing in the Caja de Ahorros (CA) $9 million loan case was adjourned on Monday, Apr.10 as the lawyers of one of the star defendants earned their stipend with another delaying tactic
The case involving a loan to HPCContratas P & V with links to many members of the Ricardo Martinelli inner circle could not be heard as scheduled, as it was as lawyers for Riccardo Francolini, a Martinelli business associate and member of the ex-president’s zero circle presented a habeas corpus petition.
Francolini, who has been detained since October 12, is one of a group under investigation as he presided over the Board of Directors of the CA when the $9 million loan was made to supposedly build a convention center in Amador. It was never completed.
The original hearing was set for March 27, but could not be held because Lawyer Luis Eduardo Camacho González. A spokesman for Martinelli, presented an objection t othe Thirteenth Criminal Judge, Alina Hubiedo, who was then replaced by takes Vilma Urieta,
Another Impediment followed when the another Francolini layer , Carlos Carrillo, filed two amparos before the Supreme Court: one against a note from the
The Administration, Rigoberto González, to the general management of the CA and another against proceedings of the First Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office at Francolini’s residence in Costa del Este.
The first amparo was denied, the second is pending.
Arrested In the loan case in addition to Francolini were Jayson Pastor-general manager of the bank and West Valdés, founder of the liquidated Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage , all under the direction of the First Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, for the Alleged commission of an offense against the public administration to the detriment of the AC.
The prosecution also seeks judgment for the rest of the board of directors of the CA -Ricardo Arango,
Anastacio Ruiz, Fernando Correa and Ricardo Chanis, former Deputy General Manager Rodrigo Arosemena Pino, ex-director of FP Ivan Valdés and Martinelli associate and former Panama Vice President Felipe Virzi, Manuel
Morales, Ricardo Calvo, Claudio Poma, Mauricio Ortiz, Jairzon Hurtado and Tobías Garrido.
Virzi is facing other charges which have been delayed by lawyer ploys, including one alleged criminal acy while under house arrest after being released from detention because of his age.