Supreme court judges denounced

THE PRESIDENT of Panama’s Supreme  Court (CSJ)  José Ayú Prado and fellow judge Ramón Fábrega were denounced on Thursday, September 28, for the alleged crimes of abuse of authority and infringement of the duties of public servants.

The complaint was lodged by seven complainants in the investigation of former President Ricardo Martinelli, for the interception of communications wiretaps by the National Security Council without judicial authorization. in the last two years of his mandate.

Martinelli has been detained in Miami since June 12 waiting to be extradited to Panama to face trial in the case.

Among the complainants are Rosendo Rivera, Carlos Herrera Morán, Francisco Carreira Pittí, Balbina Herrera, Osvaldo Gálvez Him, Cecilia Torres Ramos and Roberto García Flores.

Two weeks ago, the group reported that three CSJ Judges  travelled to Miami with the intention of notifying

Martinelli of the request for a hearing date of charges requested by Judge Fabregas in a case involving the ex-president for the alleged extortion of the Italian company Impregilo. Fábrega is the prosecutor of the case.