Extreme danger prisoners moved to maximum security jail

TWELVE prisoners categorized by the authorities as highly dangerous criminals were transferred to the re-opened P maximum security  Punta Coco prison on Friday, December 7.

An official source said that  Eliécer Chanis and his son, Ismael Cueto, Carlos Mosquera, Moisés Murillo, Carlos Yao, Azael Ramos, José Cossio, Ricauter Villasanta, Cooper Gamaliel and Luis Hernández alias ‘Ninin’ were moved.

The Ministry of Government through the General Directorate of the Penitentiary System said that the transfers took place after having met the necessary conditions demanded by the Supreme Court.

They added that they seek to protect society, as well as the physical integrity of extremely dangerous people deprived of freedom.

According to the National Police, since the Judicial Organ ordered in June of this year the transfer of the inmates of Punta Coco to the Penitentiary System the trend of reduction of homicides went from -6 to more than 39 homicides.

Kevin Moncada, who represents 11 who next week will move to Punta Coco next week and the government has not complied with the court ruling and there will be the need to introduce an incident of contempt.

He added that the government violates the presumption of innocence of his clients, because several of them have not been condemned.