Deputy nixes draft bill regulating journalism

Democratic Change Deputy   Mayín Correa has withdrawn a preliminary bill seeking to regulate journalists.

  The  Forum of Journalists for Freedom of Expression and Information announced that, after meeting with Correa , she made the decision to withdraw the bill – whose draft she circulated among the media-, after the restlessness generated by the initiative.

ccording to a statement issued by the Forum, the deputy said that “her initiative did not seek to generate controversy and much less affect the work of journalists or journalists, rather enhance the profession.”

This draft “by which journalism is established as a liberal profession and the exercise is regulated”, was only submitted for consultation, but was not submitted to any instance of the National Assembly.

The union said that it respects the right of  every deputy has to present the bills that they deem necessary, but “the right to warn the proponents of such initiatives will always be exercised, the firm commitment to safeguard everything related to defense of freedom of expression and information. “