Parents and baby murders linked to La Joyita prison massacre

The  murder of a family of three including a three months old baby in El Chumical, Arriajan, on Monday night January 27, was linked to the recent massacre  , in La Joyita prison where 13 prisoners died.

According to the authorities, the killings took place after 10 pm when men with firearms entered the residence of the victims and shot them. 

The man died at the crime scene. The woman and the baby were taken to the Arraiján polyclinic where they died.

The National Police announced that they are offering a $5,000 reward for those who provide information or allow the suspects to be located. 

Reports also indicate that a man who was with the family was injured, and is hospitalized, and in police custody.

According to authorities, the murdered man would have received an ultimatum to leave the neighborhood, since his son allegedly had participated in the massacre in La Joyita,  on December 17 and left 13 dead.

An earlier gang killing in Arriajan  was also  allegedly linked to the massacre

On  Tuesday, January 28, the National Police deployed an operation in the area and managed to recover three firearms: an R15 rifle, an AK 47, and a 9 mm caliber pistol. In addition, there are four people allegedly linked to the events, as reported by the  Ministry of Security.

Two were reported captured on Wednesday