Over 250 scientists reject attack on medical trio

Science Panama, a non-profit organization of over 250 scientists from different fields has issued a  statement sympathizing with the three doctors who have dedicated time and knowledge to the service of the community to face  Covid-19.

The body rejected the attacks and complaints against doctors Eduardo Ortega-Barría, national secretary of Science, Technology, and Innovation ( Senacyt) Julio Sandoval, a specialist in intensive care, and Xavier Sáez-Llorens, a distinguished researcher from Senacyt’s National Research System.

It calls on the population to verify the source of the information that reaches them, in order to thus make correct decisions, based on scientific information.

The organization emphasizes that debates are healthy to the extent that they are based on verifiable data and not on personal opinions and says that in these times when information flows at unprecedented speeds, it is necessary to draw the attention of the population to a large amount of misinformation that circulates in relation to vaccines in media (traditional and digital) and that significantly impact health.

The rejection of Ciencia Panamá for the criticism, accusations, and legal measures against Panamanian doctors follows a September 28 pronouncement by some 30 medical organizations condemning the actions.