Police blitz nets $125,866 cash, weapons and 255 arrests

The National Police together with the Public Ministry, that they carried out 115 search procedures in various parts of the country in the last 24 hours, resulting in the arrest of 255 people, the confiscation of firearms with ammunition, suspected drugs, in addition to $125,866 in cash. They managed 120 arrests for trades, 74 for administrative offenses, 22 for flagrancy, 37 for micro-trafficking, two for drug trafficking.

They seized 10 firearms, 285 ammunition, and 19 packages with alleged drugs in addition to recovering three vehicles and impounding two vehicles. Through the Beta operation, they also located 1,211 foreigners, who were handed over to the National Immigration Service for not keeping their papers in order or other faults.

The National Directorate of Traffic Operations issued a total of 2,102 infractions in the last 24 hours, of which 66 were for speeding, 11 for proven drunkenness, 130 inappropriate lights, 27 for expired license, 21 for talking on a cell phone and six for alcoholic breath.