Let’s Hear Who You Would Vote For on May 5

For you ‘armchair quarterbacks’ who wish to send me an email as to who you would vote for, even if you are not eligible to vote in Panama, you are most welcome to email me at PanamaNewsroom@gmail.com with your vote and if you choose, you can tell me why and I will post some of your comments anonymously, if you choose. This newspaper Newsroom Panama will publish a final survey of the vote polling for the 2024 presidential campaign on Thursday and Friday, a few days before the general elections on May 5.  Unlike other previous surveys that you have seen here, only suggested voting intentions will be reported.  The survey will include 2,500 random people who will be asked which of the eight presidential candidates who appear on the Electoral Tribunal’s ballot they intend to vote for. The survey has already begun and will continue to May first.