Panama’s Changes to Cannabis Regulations are in the Final Stretch

Health authorities are confident that the amended decree to guarantee the entry of medicinal cannabis medicines can be enacted in the coming weeks. Uriel Pérez, National Director of Pharmacies and Drugs, reported that they are in the final review to try to correct the contradictions that existed between the law and the decree that regulated it. “We hope that in the coming weeks we will have a modified decree to be able to issue licenses and guarantee access to medicines for these patients,” Pérez said. Resolution No. 008, assigning licenses for manufacturing medicinal cannabis derivatives, is dated January 17, 2024. Under this provision, the licensed consortia are Green Med, Tilray Panama, Farma Verde Corp., Canna Med Panama, Panamericana de Cannabis, Adeiwa Pharma and Ecovida. The medicinal and therapeutic use of cannabis is regulated by Law 242 of October 13, 2021. The rule was regulated by Executive Decree No. 121 of September 1, 2022, which is the one being reviewed.