Beloved Harpy Eagle Returns to its Remodeled Enclosure at Summit Park

The harpy eagle named ‘Panama’, resident of the Summit Municipal Park, returned today to its remodeled enclosure, now larger and more suitable for its size. The mobilization was carried out by the Animal Welfare staff of the Environmental Management Department of the Mayor’s Office of Panama, with the technical support of Ángel Muela and the collaboration of the Friends of the Harpy Eagle Trust.
Four months ago, Panama was temporarily moved to a transitional home within the park while the works were being carried out. During this time, visitors were able to observe her while the works to expand and renovate her enclosure were being carried out.
The renovation was carried out by Centroequipos SA, and included the installation of cyclone mesh, galvanized steel sheets, new concrete structures and a raised perimeter wall. Elements such as textured paint, a metal cover, new bathrooms for visitors and the replacement of components such as cables, tensioners and nests, appropriate to the needs of the species, were also incorporated.
Panama, born on September 22, 16 years ago in the aviary of the Metro Zoo in Miami, United States, was given to Panama on an indefinite loan and has been a symbol of admiration. At 4 and a half years old, she reached maturity and is currently considered a young adult within her species, which can live up to 50 years in its natural habitat. The harpy eagle species is listed as endangered.
This return is a sign of the park’s commitment to preserving endangered species and the well-being of the animals that live there.