Panama’s National Assembly Approves Planting and Commercialization of Hemp

The plenary session of the National Assembly approved in its third debate Bill 26, which regulates the production, marketing and export of hemp in Panama.
Hemp is a herb containing fiber, seeds, and oil that are used to make a variety of industrial and consumer products, including textiles, building materials, paper, fabrics, soap, food, dietary supplements, and cosmetics.
Although they belong to the same species Cannabis sativa, industrial hemp and marijuana have their differences; the former contains very low concentrations of delta-9-THC (the main active chemical that produces drug-like effects in the body). Both have different chemical and genetic compositions.
The proposal, promoted by the deputy of the independent bench, Carlos Saldaña, and approved with the support of deputies from the different benches, seeks to regulate the general management of the activities of sowing, cultivation, harvesting, transformation, export, storage, transportation, marketing, distribution, use and possession of the seeds of the industrial cannabis plant, known as hemp.
In this regard, Deputy Saldaña explained that this project was developed jointly with different institutions through technical committees and assured that in such a difficult time that the country is going through with the crisis of the Social Security Fund, with this proposal it is expected that jobs will be generated, allowing agricultural workers to be able to increase their yields.
He said that the project opens up opportunities for sustainable employment, without the need for public sector appointments and without the need to subsidize producers.
The document, after its approval in the third debate, must be sent to the Executive Branch for approval or veto by the President of the Republic, José Raúl Mulino.