Panamanian Exports Maintain Growth Despite Closure of the Copper Mine

Panamanian exports maintained a positive trend in 2024, despite the suspension of copper exports due to the closure of the mine, and according to data from the Ministry of Trade and Industries (MICI). During the first 11 months, the value of exports increased by 6.4% compared to the same period of 2023. Eric Dormoi, National Director of Export Promotion, highlighted the resilience of the Panamanian economy to this challenge, and pointed out that, although copper historically represented 70% of exports, non-traditional industries have emerged as key engines for employment and sustainable development.

In this growth, the banana has played a fundamental role, representing 15.6% of the total exported, according to the MICI figures, however, Bianca Morán, president of the Panamanian Association of Exporters (APEX), stressed the importance of further diversifying the productive sectors of the country. “Panama is a country of the sea,” said Morán, referring to the potential of fishing and maritime products to contribute to export growth. This dynamism reflects the ability of local industries to adapt and generate new opportunities, positioning Panama as a resilient actor in international trade.