Consumer Protection Recommends Checking Christmas Trees Before Purchase

With the arrival of the end-of-year holidays, thousands of Panamanians prepare for the celebration which includes the traditional Christmas tree.
For those who prefer natural trees, the Panamanian market offers several options.
The administrator of the Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco), Ramón Abadi Bali, recommended that the population check carefully before making a purchase.
Abadi Bali added that issues such as compliance with our health regulations and height must be verified, since we use the international measurement system which is in meters and the countries of origin use the English system.
Abadi Bali also indicated that prices should be compared, as they may vary.
The Executive Directorate of Agricultural Quarantine of the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA ) reported that they have already begun to arrive at Panamanian ports.
In these last weeks of 2024, between 70 to 80 containers with trees could be arriving in Panama, each one with approximately 450 to 650 units, depending on their size and country of origin.
On this occasion, the trees come from Canada and the United States and become a product that generates foreign currency and drives the December economy.
To enter the country, the trees go through a selection, inspection and certification process at origin carried out by Agricultural Quarantine specialists, following guidelines pre-established with the Panamanian authorities.
With this rigorous phytosanitary inspection, the staff of the Ministry of Agricultural Development protects agricultural assets, preventing the entry of pests.
Upon arrival at the country’s point of entry, which is done randomly, containers are selected to be sampled to determine that they arrive free of insect pests and can be released. If any insect or pest is intercepted, it is sent to the MIDA Plant Health Laboratory for identification and categorization.
The number of trees per 40-foot container will depend on the size of these products, and this number can range from 400 to 450 large trees and 600 to 650 units for smaller ones.