CSS: Clash of Visions in the Face of an Impending Crisis

The President and Dion Mon. On September 16, pictured above, the roundtables were set up to save the CSS.  One deals with health issues and the other with the IVM Program.   CSS is Social Security. 

Medical associations, health professionals, patient federations, workers and employers, together with the government, are analyzing in two working groups the best strategies to save the Social Security Fund.  To date, five proposals have been submitted to the Executive through the tables that debate the issues of health care and the Disability, Old Age and Death Program (IVM) for the reforms of the Social Security Fund (CSS). However, proposals will continue to be received until October 31, the deadline announced by the Presidency of the Republic.  Of the five proposals, one is promoted by various associations and unions, including the Medical College of Panama (CMP), the Association of Physicians of Panama (AMP), the National Association of Directors of Official Schools of Panama (Andeop), the National Coordinator of Professional and Technical Health Unions (Conagreprotsa), the Panamanian Dental Association (AOP) and the National College of Pharmacy.