Odila Castillo, the Millionaire Smile of Success of a Former Official

In 2022, lawyer and former Comptroller’s Office official Odila Castillo turned her law firm into a gold mine. That year she had revenues exceeding $2 million and that year she also began a feverish acquisition of real estate. In the midst of what seemed to be good times, on April 13, 2021, the relationship of lawyer Odila Castillo with the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic suffered an unexpected setback after an “incident” widely reported on social media. The lawyer flatly denied her involvement in the incident.  At the time, Castillo was a lawyer hired for professional services by the Comptroller’s Office, and yet the highest authorities were mobilized to defend her version of the events: the Comptroller General, Gerardo Solís; the then Minister of Public Security, Juan Manuel Pino; and the now former director of the National Police, Gabriel Medina. Following Castillo’s denials and her reply, all trace of her with the Comptroller General’s Office on Facebook or other networks was erased, as if she had never existed in the institution, despite the fact that she had a contract for $31,500, “as an external legal advisor, specializing in administrative law.”