Senafront Installed More Than 4 Kilometers of Fencing in the Darién

The National Border Service (Senafront) reported that it has installed 4.7 kilometers of perimeter fences with the aim of controlling the flow of illegal migration on the border with Colombia. The director of the institution Jorge Gobea said that five illegal passages used by organized crime have been closed. “We have developed actions in depth on the border with Colombia covering more than 4.7 kilometers, which included more than five clandestine crossings used by organized crime to mobilize migrants from Colombia to Panama,” Gobea claimed during the report of the first 15 days of his administration in the Senafront. He added that “the intention of this is to channel the flow, not to interrupt the migratory movement, but to be able to take them through one place and so we concentrate our capabilities to be able to guarantee safe movement.” “The routes through Darién are dangerous, the climate is very challenging and creates a lot of fatalities for migrants. We have warned that it is not humane to cross the Darién,” the uniformed officer stated.