Panama Registers Influenza Deaths So Far This Year

The latest epidemiological report from the Ministry of Health (MINSA) reveals an alarming number of deaths related to influenza so far in 2024. Until May 23, 14 deaths have been recorded due to this disease, affecting both minors and adults in various provinces of the country.
Among the victims are six minors, aged between 1 and 8 years, residents of Chiriquí (3), Bocas del Toro (2) and the Ngäbe Buglé Region (1). In addition, eight adults, whose ages range from 46 to 95 years old, died in Chiriquí (2), Coclé (1), the metropolitan area of Panama (1), Panamá Norte (1), Herrera (1), Panamá Oeste (1) and Veraguas (1). MINSA statistics detail that 86% of the victims (12 of the 14 deaths) were not vaccinated against influenza. All the deceased people had risk factors such as advanced age, metabolic and cardiovascular conditions, malnutrition, immunosuppression and chronic respiratory diseases. The tests carried out identified that eight of the deaths were caused by influenza type A, of which five corresponded to the strain H1N1. The other six deaths were attributable to influenza type B. Currently, there are 45 people hospitalized due to influenza, including one pregnant woman and three minors.
Given this situation, MINSA has made an urgent call to the population to participate in the influenza vaccination days. These are being carried out in different hospital centers and public spaces have been set up to facilitate mass inoculation. Vaccination not only protects the individual, but also contributes to herd immunity, decreasing the spread of the virus in the community.