OPINION: Thumbs up for the first presidential debate


Except for the violence shown by some maladjusted groups that sought to tarnish the event, the first presidential debate organized by the University of Panama was a complete success. Among the candidates’ interventions, we were able to differentiate those who made concrete proposals from those who used the time only to attack or to send empty messages that had nothing to do with the question. The truth is that this exercise allows citizens to form a more complete criterion of those who aspire to lead the future of the country. We hope that it will be repeated with the same level of organization and respect, consolidating itself as a democratic tradition vital to the strengthening of our political system. In addition, it is worth highlighting the excellent moderation that was able to maintain order and equity among the participants, allowing a constructive and enriching dialogue, as well as the excellent production of TVN Media. This event has not only demonstrated the ability of the University of Panama to organize high-level forums, but has also reaffirmed the importance of public debate in the democratic process. Transparency, the exchange of ideas and the ability to hear directly from candidates about their plans and visions for the country are essential for an informed election.— LA PRENSA, Feb.27.