OPINION: Dishonoring the Martyrs’ deeds


One more anniversary of Martyrs’ Day, but in circumstances that, far from making them proud, would have caused them shame. The Canal is ours, after decades of tireless struggles by the Panamanian people and various governments, but for what? We have a government whose inaction is causing serious damage to our greatest heritage and symbol of our historical identity. Is it that we recover the Canal only to see it lose competitiveness, trust and customers, because the Cortizo administration does not have the courage to face its current problems? We have a Canal that needs water for its operations, but each Government decision obeys electoral calculations. Instead of measuring the consequences of their inaction, they always measure the political cost. But the martyrs did not lose their lives due to electoral calculations, they offered their lives so that the Canal would benefit every Panamanian, not for a party that prefers that the Canal lose its position in world trade than lose the elections. This is how miserable the thinking of these politicians is, who seem to care very little about the death of 22 people and the hundreds of wounded on January 9, 1964. With cowardice, the memory of our martyrs is not honored. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 9.