20,000 in search of 4,000 jobs

Hundreds of young people clutching their resumes lined up in the drizzle at Atlapa on Thursday, August 7, the  first day of

 the Expo Konzerta 2023 job fair, which the recruiting company organizes together with the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel).

The call began Thursday, and ends, on Friday, September 8. Between 20,000 and 25,000 applicants are expected to arrive in search of 4,000 jobs which means that only 16% of potential participants would manage to get a job.

The first person to entere the fair had arrived Wednesday, September 6 at 8:00 pm, in the vicinity of Atlapa. His goal was to make sure he was one of the first to be interviewed, which demonstrates the scarcity of formal jobs in the country.