OPINION: The double standards of politicians


Let’s talk about double standards. It is a phrase that carries an implicit accusation. It is the equivalent of having two faces and that is precisely what happens in times of electoral campaigns. We hear politicians promise to end corruption, but end up being a part of it once they win an elected office. We hear them in every election talk about reforms to the Constitution, but once in power, the Magna Carta remains as it is. Double standards are asking for sacrifices in a pandemic, while representatives and mayors raised their salaries without anyone from the government doing anything about it… until the protests began. Double standard is to promise to make budget cuts, while the National Assembly received millions so that the deputies would be happy and comfortable. Double standard is to affirm that you want to strengthen the democratic system but keep those who erode it as close friends. A double standard is to promise to do in the future what could have been done well since the beginning of the Government. To talk about double standards, you just have to remember the wise saying: To lie and eat fish you have to be very careful. LA PRENSA, Jul. 12.