OPINION: Living with the Stockholm syndrome


This Monday, the trial of the Blue Apple case was to begin, in which the star defendants are the convicted sons of the former president designated “corrupt” by the United States Government. Now we will have to wait until August to see the 27 defendants face charges that range from alleged corruption of public servants and illicit association to commit crimes to money laundering. Blue Apple hid the bribes that officials received, confessed by the actors themselves: the state contractors. Millions were stolen from the coffers of the National Treasury to enrich a few who must now be held accountable. Senior government officials between 2009 and 2014 have had to face corruption trials like never before and there have never been so many convictions for that reason, perhaps with the exception of military governments. Even so, Despite having proven the criminal attitude with which these subjects came to power, there are people who think that they are the best option to govern this country. It seems that our society suffers from Stockholm syndrome, providing loyalty to a mafia that only wants to get out of its legal troubles to return to its old ways with open impunity. – LA PRENSA, Jul. 8.