Significant rains and storms alert through weekend


Panama’s Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Imhpa) issued an alert  on Friday, June 30, warning of significant rains and storms in a large part of the country. The notice extends through Monday, July 3.

The regions that are under notice are Chiriquí, Veraguas, Bocas del Toro, the Ngäbe Buglé region, Colón, the Guna Yala region, Panama Oeste, Panama, Darién and the Emberá region.

The Imhpa highlights that it is under surveillance for the passage of the region of tropical wave 10 of the season, which moves from Colombia to Panama.

It warned that the passage of this wave through the Panamanian isthmus will reactivate atmospheric systems to give periods with significant rainy events.

The National Civil Protection system (Sinaproc) called on citizens to be on alert for river floods and landslides.