Evangelicals file complaint about planned LBTQ+ wedding ceremony
The Attorney General, Javier Caraballo, said that the complaint filed by a representative of the Evangelical Church, against an alleged mass wedding between people of the same sex, is already advancing in the investigations of the case.
Caraballo clarified that, although marriage between two people of the same sex is not classified as a crime in Panama, the complaint was handled by a specific prosecutor’s office, which is responsible for carrying out the investigations.
“We have received a complaint and every time the Public Ministry receives a complaint in a responsible manner, it has to carry out an investigation and that is what we are proceeding with,” he said.
The complaint was filed for the specific crime against the family, Article No. 209 and 210 of the Penal Code.
The supposed massive wedding that would be in charge of a pastor this weekend had been announced on social networks.