OPINION: Murky events in Panama Mayor’s office

The mayor of the capital city has increased the number of employees in the Municipality to levels that, frankly, are suspect. It is as if he were paying favors now, at campaign and election time. His management at the head of the commune has been one of the worst in recent decades, but he insists on seeking re-election, despite the fact that he is not guaranteed a candidacy with his party. But if he is chosen by his party to run for mayor in 2024, defeat is imminent, because the city is the same or worse than when he arrived. In his re-election efforts, he seeks support from other parties, forgetting that in 2019 he obtained it, but four years later there is nothing left in the environment of his allies. Not in vain the National Executive Committee of the PRD considers other options since it cannot ignore the disaster of his administration. Thus, it is inexplicable that the number of employees in the Mayor’s Office has doubled since there is no evidence to justify such an increase. It is clear that so many people, seemingly without functions, are doing more than just working for the municipality. That’s how murky is what happens in this mayor’s office, the largest in the country and the least productive. – LA PRENSA, Jun. 22.