The lifestyle of a Maharaja – “like you”
The national land titling law, which has Anati as its executor, urgently needs a deep reform, in order to avoid conflict of interest, influence peddling and the blatant theft of the Nation’s heritage. There are plenty of examples of “purchase” of national lands, in whose list there are ministers, deputies and other officials who take advantage of their position to title large tracts of land for measly pennies. This government does not reach agreements with the Donoso mining company, because it claims to be defending the interests of the State, but, on the other hand, it gives away expensive and privileged land to its politicians. And that happens in all governments, not just this one. This is how congressman Raúl Pineda has managed to obtain more hectares in Colón, in beach and forest areas with great tourist potential, paying pennies to the State. Is that taking care of the interests of the Nation? Everything is a great hypocrisy, as is the slogan of the deputy: “I am like you”, referring to the voters of his circuit, who barely get by, while he hoards land, travels by private plane, buys luxurious real estate and carries the lifestyle of a maharajah. We are certainly not like him. – LA PRENSA, Mar. 2.