Iberia moving toward return to daily flights to Madrid

The airline Iberia will return to pre-pandemic daily flights between Panama and Madrid in March, starting this month with an increase to five weekly flights.
In January it hopes to have an additional flight, reach six frequencies and close the first quarter in March with a daily flight.
Beatriz Guillén, director of global sales for Iberia, said that the airline in the region has been gradually recovering both the capacity levels it had.
“With the reactivation of our flights to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Caracas, Venezuela, we already have the same network of destinations that we had in 2019 in the region,” she said.
She said that in this fourth quarter of 2022 they registered a recovery of 95% and during the first three months of 2023 they not only expect to recover 100% of the seats, but they plan to grow 5% in the capacity they had before the covid crisis.
“Central America as a whole, and Panama in particular, is a very interesting and attractive market for us, and for this reason, we are going to continue making efforts to strengthen connectivity with this country. For now, the objective is to consolidate the new frequencies and to evaluate how the demand behaves on this route.”
She said that they will also reinforce the promotion of the Panamanian market to attract more European tourists to the country.