A Christmas Illusion in Parque Omar


A  15-meter Christmas tree with over 135,000 lights and over 1,000 decorations was unveiled in Parque Omar  by the First Lady  Yazmín Colón de Cortizo on Friday, December 2 as the centerpiece of “A Christmas of Illusion”.

 Every day in December, the Del Monte Tree will illuminate Parque Omar, with an 8-minute show, every half hour; giving the opportunity for thousands of Panamanian families to enjoy the experience”, said Ricardo Durán, general director of Grupo Maravilla Panama.

Prior to turning on the lights, the attendees enjoyed artistic presentations in the Central Plaza and the Dome of the park, by the Network of Orchestras and Choirs of Panama of the Ministry of Culture, music by the Orchestra of the Institutional Protection Service (SPI) and the Republican Band. After the lighting of the park, the show continued on the stage of the Dome with Zambo and the Blue Christmas from Caja de Ahorros.

Children who participate in the activity “Let’s play in the park this Christmas”, on Saturday, December 3, and Sunday, December 4 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, will receive a map with the location of more than 30 stands of institutions and companies, where each time a child visits a booth and participates in the games, a stamp will be placed on their map.

With 10 stamps, plus the stamp of the Office of the First Lady, children will be able to claim their prize in the area called “El Tesoro Eres Tú”, located in the old administrative offices of Parque Omar.

Pedestrians only
 This weekend, there will be no vehicular access to Parque Omar to preserve the safety of children who will move through the more than 30 stands throughout the park.

Security will be in charge of the Institutional Protection Service (SPI), and there will also be the presence of emergency institutions such as the Fire Department and Sinaproc.   

On both days there will be four ambulances from the Social Security Fund, the Ministry of Health, the Fire Department, and Senaf.