Employers ask construction workers to rethink strike

The Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac) called on the members of the Single Union of Construction Workers (Suntracs), to reconsider the decision to declare stoppages or strikes that affect the development of the activity that is beginning to be reactivated.
In a statement, Monday, Capac said that it understands the reasons for the manifest concerns and the adhesion that Suntracs may have to the popular complaints, for which they call for reflection so that they avoid adding greater causes of affectation to the critical moments.
“A few months ago, the country applauded the fact that Capac and Suntracs reached a collective bargaining agreement, avoiding the paralysis of the industry, aware of what a strike implies in the sector, given its repercussions on the economic reactivation of the country, in the creation of jobs and fulfilling its role as a multiplier factor of our economy”, says the document.
In addition, they point out that it is time for the Government, private companies, workers, and all sectors to resort to dialogue as the best way to resolve conflicts and address popular complaints for the well-being of all Panamanians.
Earlier, members of this union carried out closures and protests in the Panamanian capital.