Flu vaccination starts on April 25

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported receiving on Saturday a batch of 1.5 million influenza vaccines and starting Monday, April 25, they will be applied to the general population.
Health authorities reiterated the importance of getting immunized against influenza as it reduces the chances of getting the virus, developing the disease, and suffering from the complications it produces.
The Minsa highlights that vaccination against influenza is important for people with chronic conditions such as cancer, asthma, heart disease, and diseases that attack the immune system.
“We must start vaccination against influenza with health officials and older adults who have already been immunized against Covid-19. Those who have not received the Covid-19 vaccine will also be vaccinated, but it is important to comply with the application interval between vaccines, ”said Itzel de Hewitt, National Coordinator of the Minsa Expanded Immunization Program.
“The first rains started in April and the heavy rains end between September and October. For this reason, before the month of October, all of us who live in Panamanian territory must have the influenza vaccine,” said Hewitt.
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