OPINION: Time to eliminate politician’s bolt hole

More and more citizens continue to join the legal questions weighing on two magistrates of the Electoral Court (TE) who, getting involved in matters that were not their responsibility, allowed the judicially prosecuted Ricardo Martinelli to recover an electoral privilege that had been lifted in lower instances. Few times have we witnessed the collective indignation generated by the ruling of the TE magistrates, which has ended in lawsuits and legal appeals before the Supreme Court of Justice, even with the unfavorable opinion of the Attorney General of the Nation, who agrees in which the officials would have exceeded their functions by entering to consider matters that are closed to them, such as the criminal sphere. It will have to be the Supreme Court of Justice that reminds them, precisely, and incidentally, We citizens must also remind them that rulings such as the one issued in this case are what lead to impunity and prevent justice from being done. This is the reason why the electoral jurisdiction must be eliminated once and for all, since we already see what it is for: evading justice. Hopefully these magistrates have learned that power has limits. – LA PRENSA, Apr. 7.