Panama, Costa Rica, Dominica at UN condemn Russian attack


Panama’s ambassador to the United Nations, Markova Concepción, called for an end to hostilities and reiterated the position of condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Concepción’s words were given this Monday, February 28, at the extraordinary emergency session of the UN General Assembly, which is debating a resolution condemning Russia’s Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The statement was made jointly with  Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, as members of the Alliance for the Development of Countries in Democracy.

“We condemn the use of force and the violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, by the Russian Federation,” said Concepción in the Assembly.

She stressed that the Alliance joins what was expressed by the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in calling for the cessation of hostilities and the application of moderation and reason.

In addition, it is stated that all efforts must ensure rapid and safe access of humanitarian aid to those who need it in Ukraine and to protect civilians, including humanitarian personnel.