Canada eases controls against covid-19


AFP – Canada announced on Tuesday the reduction of controls against Covid-19 at its borders, more than two weeks after the start of mobilization against these measures that generated strong disturbances.

“It is time to adjust our approach. Today we are relaxing our measures at the borders,” said the Minister of Health, Jean Yves Duclos, who pointed out that the requirement to present a PCR test to enter Canadian territory ceased to have any effect.

Beginning February 28, vaccinated travelers will no longer be required to submit a negative PCR test to enter Canada.

They “will have the option of using a rapid antigen test or a molecular test,” and may also be randomly tested upon arrival, the official explained.

Additionally, “fully vaccinated travelers awaiting the result of a random test will no longer have to quarantine while awaiting the result.”

“These changes are possible not only because the peak of the omicron variant has passed, but because Canadians across the country are listening to scientists and experts, adhering to public health measures and taking steps to protect themselves, their families, and their loved ones,” Duclos said.

Transport Minister Omar Alghabra, for his part, announced that “the ban on international flights will be lifted at all remaining airports that normally receive international flights.”

At the same time, the Quebec government will gradually eliminate the vaccination passport.

This is the first clear sign of giving in to the demands of the protesters after the country’s authorities activated exceptional powers on Monday to try to end weeks of protests against anticovid measures.

The mobilizations have been led by truckers who have paralyzed the capital, Ottawa, and blocked vital border crossings with the United States.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday announced the exceptional use of the Emergency Measures Act to end “illegal” lockdowns.

Initially downplayed by authorities, the movement began in late January with truckers protesting against being required to get vaccinated to cross the Canada-US border.

But the mobilizations were expanded to include claims for all health measures and even the administration of the Trudeau government. The movement was replicated in other countries such as France, Belgium, and New Zealand.